According to Wikipedia, "Haredi is the most conservative form of Orthodox Judaism, often referred to as ultra-Orthodox. Haredi Jews, like other Orthodox Jews, consider their belief system and religious practices to extend in an unbroken chain back to Moses and the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai..."
For those of you who do not know, we are in Jerusalem for the wedding of our 19-year old grandson Zalman to Rivi, the third child of nine from a lovely family in nearby Neve Yacov. Their roots are Russian, both parents having come with their parents to Israel as children. Although Rivi was taught English in school, it did not stick and she only speaks Hebrew. Her mother, aunt and

Right photo upper left: Zalman 19, Ashira 15, Alexander 14; front Chana Tsipora 6, Talya 10, Shalom Simcha 3
Left: Rivi in yard before wedding
This whole process in the Orthodox community is quite fascinating. I have spoken with Zalman and am trying my best to get the facts correct. He is much too involved with his new life/wife to read this before I send so I hope I will be forgiven any errors or omissions! To begin at the beginning, Zalman expressed his desire to find a wife at 18 and his parents wisely counseled him to wait at least till he was 19. Last year they began asking around if anyone knew a young woman who might be interested in meeting him for the purpose of marriage. Sarah Batya phoned a friend whom she knew had recently married off a "child" to ask for advice and what she ended up with was a friend and matchmaker all in one who was new to her craft but had the perfect young woman who lived across the street. Before Zalman and Rivi went out, Sarah Batya interviewed her, a daunting task as her own Hebrew is quite limited. Rivi's father stopped in for 5 minutes on his daughter's second date to meet Zalman.
Rivi was Zalman's first date and he was her third. They clicked from their first date and became engaged after the third. Dating consists of sitting in a hotel lobby and anyone who has traveled here has seen the young men in their black suits and hats sitting across from nicely dressed young women as they interview each other. They spend many hours at this before deciding if there is an attraction and a common thread that binds them. Zalman and Rivi spent some 15 hours before deciding they were right for each other.
The wedding dates here are set as they are elsewhere based on the woman's menstrual cycle and any other important events. The couple have individual marriage coaches who counsel them before and after each date. He or she explains how to go about finding out whatever information they wish to know about the other.
At Zalman's yeshiva, there is a groom's class taught on the computer for about seven hours and a rabbi is in the next room ready to answer questions. Additionally about three hours are spent on sex education. There is no touchy feely until after the wedding (and never in public). Zalman told me there is a 5-7% divorce rate in the Haredi community with the general rate in the US at 65%. He also said most divorces happen in the first 15 years and many are connected to medical problems.
We arrived in Jerusalem in time to attend the Aufruf on the Shabbat before the wedding. Zalman was called up to read from the Torah at their shul which gave the community an opportunity to publicly recognize, congratulate and share in the joy of the wedding. We women and girls threw candy from the upstairs womens section to send wishes for a sweet marriage.
The wedding itself defies description. To sum it up, it was probably the most joyous event we have ever seen much less participated in! The venue was a wedding hall and the men and women were separated as at all Haredi weddings. The two fathers led the groom from the men's side to the women's s

Photo above right: Marc, Zalman, Rivi's father Daniel
The ceremony concluded and the couple was escorted to a private "yichud room" and left alone for what was supposed to be a few minutes that lasted what seemed like an hour! These moments of seclusion signify their new status of living together as husband and wife. Photo right: Newlyweds after the fact!
Everyone retu

It was not quite as a

Photo top: unknown, Zalman, Herbie
Photo bottom: unknown, Rivi's sister, Rivi, Sarah Batya
I would be remiss not to mention the wonderful friends and family who came from afar to share in our simcha: daughter Jennifer, granddaughter Simone and sister Mona from NY; Suzy and Marv Cohen, Mort and Amy Friedkin, Jack and Betty Adler, Arnie and Joanne Jacobson and Marje Wolf from the Bay Area. The latter five were on a SFJCC trip. The Cohens, Adlers and Friedkins have been with us in Jerusalem on prior trips.
More to follow of the way things work in the first year and the Sheva Brachot or seven blessings dinners which follow in lieu of a honeymoon. Hope you are enlightened about this other world Herbie and I sometimes inhabit! Marianne
Mazel Tov! Suzy passed your blog on to me. Loved reading about your grandson's wedding and of course seeing some of your photos. Indeed very enlightening.- Cary
ReplyDeleteBeautiful description of your grandson's wedding. Congratulations. You're right - it is another world!
ReplyDeleteFascinating!! Mazel tov to all.
Sounds fabulous. Congratulations. We miss you.
ReplyDeleteEd and Joni Weiner
Wow, sounds incredible. Great job Grandma.
ReplyDeleteJust one comment, in the radical Muslim world the divorce rate is probably around 0%, beats the Haredi percentage, but I guess that shows something.
Mazal Tov!